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Zhongshan releases occupational disease prevention plan
Updated: 2017-11-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan released The 2017-2020 Occupational Disease Prevention Plan in recent days. The plan suggests that from 2017 to 2020, ten areas including occupational disease source control, development of occupational disease prevention responsibility system of employing units, health examination and occupational diseases diagnose services and etc, must be paid attention to and strengthened.

According to the data released in The First Zhongshan Forum of Occupational Safety and Health Education held in April, more than 10,000 Zhongshan enterprises have the risk of occupational disease, with 300 thousand employees affected. With regard to this problem, the plan proposes to strengthen the source control and prevention of occupational diseases and strengthen management of companies which have the risk of occupational diseases. 

The plan also suggests that by 2020, more than 90% of laborers should be covered by occupational injury insurance.

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