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Zhongshan expected to save 600 thousand KW of electricity in 5 years
Updated: 2017-11-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In accordance with relevant provincial policies, Zhongshan has been undertaking motor modification over the past 5 years and made remarkable achievements. 

Since June of 2013, Zhongshan started motor system energy-saving modification through utilizing high efficiency motors and removing inefficiency ones. Statistics shows that Zhongshan has saved 496.3 thousand KW electricity in 2013 to 2016 through the project. In 2017, it is expected that another 100 thousand KW electricity can be saved. In that case, Zhongshan is expected to save 600 thousand KW electricity in 5 years through motor modification. 

To promote green development of enterprises, Zhongshan introduced implementing instructions of subsidization on energy-saving and circular economy this year. The instructions encourage enterprises to reduce loss and waste of energy throughout the whole process from production to consumption and make better use of energy. The instructions also encourage minimization, reuse and reclamation of energy in enterprises’ production, circulation and consumption activities. 

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