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Zhongshan Overseas Returnees Entrepreneurship and Investment Conference held
Updated: 2017-12-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2017 Zhongshan Overseas Returnees Entrepreneurship and Investment Conference was conducted on November 24 in Zhongshan. Twelve experts, from Japan and Singapore, did project docking with 20 financial institutions and 50 companies. Reportedly, over 30 companies reached cooperation intention with 12 projects.

Dr Zhang Jianfeng, an Assistant Professor of Waseda University, previously studied in Japan. He came to the conference with his “man-machine collaborative robot” project, which is mainly engaged with hardware and supporting software for man-machine collaborative robot research and development. His team now carries out pilot work with a Zhongshan-based optoelectronics enterprise and plans to bring out sample product next year. 

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