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Zhongshan introduces implementation suggestions on venture investment development
Updated: 2017-12-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

An entrepreneurial project roadshow was conducted in national maker space Tan S Park in Tanzhou town in late October. Nine projects received 14.8 million yuan of intention investment from investment organizations.

Recently, Zhongshan municipal government released “The Implementation Suggestions on Promotion of Sustainable Development of Venture Investment”. The document specifies “encourage individual of all kinds, including angel investors, to engage in venture capital activities”. The document also proposes, by the end of 2020, the venture investment sector in Zhongshan will see rapid development in particular in capital scale, brand development and team building, will develop a few competitive and influential venture investment brands, and will become one of the most active regions for venture investment. 

Many investors and entrepreneurs in Zhongshan believe the Implementation Suggestions will be beneficial to entrepreneur teams in start-up capital raising. 

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