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Zhongshan introduces ‘Division Scheme for Individual Credit System Construction’
Updated: 2017-12-05    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan has issued the “Division Scheme for Individual Credit System Construction” days before, according to Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau. The Scheme mentions the specific work for 40 related functional departments in individual credit system building and specifies to establish credit files first for 15 focus groups including civil servants, legal representatives of enterprises and lawyers. 

Personal credit behaviors in 20 consumer default areas, including food and drugs, safety production, traffic safety and environmental protection, will be recorded.

According to the Scheme, all related departments will introduce policies and measures by the end of 2018 to give priority support and related convenience in education, employment, entrepreneurship, social services and other fields to people with good credit record.

At the same time, people with four types of dishonesty will be disciplined by various departments. 

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