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East District introduces third-party agency to monitor internet finance companies
Updated: 2017-12-06    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

As the innovation and entrepreneurship pilot “financial street” in Guangdong, East District has started cooperation with third-party credit agency to build an anti-illegal fund-raising monitoring and warning platform, which conducts real time on-line monitoring to all the internet finance enterprises within East District, according to Zhongshan Credit Office.  

Guangdong Yinuo Credit Management Co Ltd is the third-party agency introduced to East District. The company’s General Manager Yi Shengliang says there are 900 financial and similar financial service companies in Eastern District, most of which are subsidiary companies or branch offices established by companies based in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in Zhongshan.

Since this March, the anti-illegal fund-raising monitoring and warning platform developed by Yinuo company came into use and started online monitoring of all financial service institutions in Eastern District. After monitoring, five companies were identified high-risk and were blacklisted by relevant authorities.

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