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HRG Teinyo welcomes new partners
Updated: 2017-12-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

HIT Robot Group’s Teinyo Medical Robot Co Ltd (HRG Teinyo) signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Orange (Guangzhou) Healthy Technology Co Ltd and Shenzhen One Space Health Management Technology Co Ltd at HIT Robot Zhongshan Base in Tsuihang New District on December 6.

“Our cooperation starts with the ‘Xiaoyu’ Robot. “Said Yang Chifu, Chairman of HRG Teinyo. The “Xiaoyu” Robot can relieve neck and waist pains by means of automatic traction, pressure gradient and acoustic vibrations. “We hope that patients with cervical or lumbar spondylosis can experience our ‘technology dividend’.”

It is introduced that the cooperation will generate more than 1,000 orders of “Xiaoyu” Robot. 

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