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‘The voice of Zhongshan’ on Fortune Global Forum
Updated: 2017-12-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2017 Guangzhou Fortune Global Forum opened on December 6. More than 1,000 Chinese and foreign representatives from 152 of the world's top 500 companies attended the forum. The number of the world's top 500 companies and CEOs attending both reached a record high.

At 8 am on that day, Wu Guichang, Chairman of Palm Landscape Architecture, posted a photo of him wearing a guest card at Fortune Global Forum on Wechat Moments, captioned with “A good learning opportunity.” 

On the previous day, Wu Guichang and Shen Zhongmin, Vice Chairman of Mingyang Wind Power, participated in one of the Fortune Global Forum serial activities “A Tea Morning with Wealth Leaders”, where heads of some world's top 500 companies and business leaders in Guangdong had a communication on innovation and development.

In the “Tea Morning” activity, Wu Guichang called for city-industry cultural integration and green ecological new-type urbanization, taking advantage of construction of characteristic towns, in order to meet people’s increasing demand on living and environment quality and to resolve practical problems occurred in urban transformation. Shen Zhongmin also made a statement. He advocated the innovative concepts of Mingyang Wind Power and called on entrepreneurs to boost global energy and renewable energy sources transformation. 

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