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Zhongshan delegation visits countries along ‘The Belt and Road’
Updated: 2017-12-11    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

A Zhongshan delegation, led by Chairman of Zhongshan Municipal Committee of CPPCC Qiu Shuhong and formed by officials from Office of Municipal Committee of CPPCC, Zhongshan Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau and Zhongshan Public Diplomacy Association as well as entrepreneurs in lighting and game&amusement industry, visited countries along “The Belt and Road” including UAE, South Africa and Namibia during November 21 to 30.

The delegation made an official visit to the local leaders of overseas Chinese and Chinese overseas embassies and consulates, visited local Chinese and Zhongshanese companies, and promoted Zhongshan’s business environment and industrial features to local investors. Zhongshan Public Diplomacy Association also signed cooperative agreement with Chinese Community Police Forum during the trip.

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