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The ‘Final Exam’ for 61 administration organs approaches
Updated: 2017-12-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to Zhongshan Legislation Bureau, the city has recently issued the “Zhongshan Evaluation Methods for Law-based Administration” and related supporting work programs. The administrative evaluation of 2017 will be completed by the end of December.

This year, there are two categories of administrative evaluation objects (61 units in total) in Zhongshan. The one covers a total of 25 units including the management committees of Torch Development Zone and Tsuihang New District, town governments and district offices. The other includes 36 directly subordinate units with administrative law enforcement power.

How does the evaluation run? According to the Methods, the objects of assessment will fill in the grading materials, which will be spot checked by the evaluation group. There will be no social evaluation or mutual evaluation of departments. After the self-assessment, the Leading Group of Law-based Administration Work will conduct complete check and determine evaluation grades in accordance with evaluation standard. 

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