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National Marine Inspectorate does field inspection in Zhongshan
Updated: 2017-12-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The Fifth National Marine Inspectorate came to Zhongshan for an field inspection in Tsuihang New District on December 9. The Inspectorate sent two groups respectively visiting 9 project sites to examine the project accounts and inspect the marine-related engineering and marine ecological restoration on site.

At administration center of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, the inspection group was reported the construction progress of the project. During the field inspection at the landing point of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel afterwards, the inspection group was informed about the marine-related engineering and the procedures settlement of the project. The inspection group also enjoined better construction of marine-related engineering.

Field inspection is an important part of National Marine Inspectorate’s inspection work. It focuses on environmental problems of marine resources in particular the sea reclamation issues. The specific contents to be verified include implementation of national laws and regulations on sea reclamation, examination and approval of sea reclamation projects and law enforcement of sea reclamation. 

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