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Zhongshan has 347.8 thousand market players
Updated: 2017-12-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

By the end of November, Zhongshan has 347.8 thousand market players in total, according to Zhongshan Administration for Industry and Commerce. Xiaolan has the most 42,554 market players among all towns and districts, followed by Guzhen, Torch Zone, Shiqi District and Henglan. The above five towns (districts) owns 41.24% of the total market main-bodies in Zhongshan.

Zhan Zuping, Economics Associate Professor of Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee School, points out that Xiaolan has 6 listed companies, including Vatti, Chant Group and MLS, and 40 public companies, which have formed a scale “listed and public company cluster” and become the new economic growth point and innovative driving force of development of the town. 

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