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A total of 7.597bn yuan spent on R&D last year
Updated: 2017-12-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to the “Zhongshan Scientific R&D and Innovation Status Analysis Report” released last week by municipal statistics bureau, in 2016, Zhongshan saw “sustainable growth of investment”, “dynamic innovation”, “increasing competency of scientific personnel” and “remarkable innovation-driven development” in scientific research and development.

In 2016, Zhongshan’s expenditure on R&D increased 7% from previous year to 7.597 billion yuan, ranking 5th in Guangdong.

In recent years, Zhongshan has consolidated scientific R&D and innovation foundation by cultivating and introducing R&D talents. So far, Zhongshan has possessed a huge team of research and development personnel. In 2016, the number of R&D personnel in Zhongshan increased 0.8% from a year earlier to 40,113.

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