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‘Symposium for Development of Yang Yin’s Revolutionary Spirit’ held
Updated: 2017-12-14    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

It is the 125th anniversary of early leader of CPC and Zhongshanese revolutionary martyr Yang Yin’s birth as well as the 90th anniversary of the 1927 Guangzhou Uprising this year.

On the morning of December 12, the “Stay True to the Mission” Symposium for Development of Yang Yin’s Revolutionary Spirit, organized by Zhongshan Municipal Organization Department, Zhongshan Municipal Propaganda Department and CPC Committee of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited, was held in Zhongshan.

The participants also visited Yang Yin’s former residence and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School in Nanlang to experience Zhongshan’s revolutionary history and culture. In Yang Yin’s former residence, the participants looked at the “Defending the Faith with Life” exhibition, which introduced Yang Yin’s life stories with pictures and relics. 

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