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The 3rd Session of the 15th Municipal People's Congress to be convened
Updated: 2017-12-15    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to the 6th Session of the 15th Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress held on December 13, the 3rd Session of the 15th Municipal People's Congress would be convened from December 18 to 30 at Zhongshan Convention Center mainly to elect the delegates to the 13th Provincial People's Congress.

The 6th Session heard of municipal government’s report on the handling of the comments, suggestions and criticisms made by delegates to the 1st Session of the 15th Municipal People's Congress. Up to 152 pieces of comments, suggestions and criticisms were submitted to municipal government after the 1st Session of the 15th Municipal People's Congress. 

The 6th Session also voted through “The Decision of the Approval of the Second Budget Proposal of 2017”, “The Decision of the Approval of Incorporating Expenditure of Zhongshan (Minzhong) Industrial Platform PPP Project in Municipal Budgets”, “The Resolution of the Suggestions on Strengthening Law Promotion and Education”, “The Decision of the Conduction of The 3rd Session of the 15th Municipal People's Congress”, and some personnel appointments and removals.

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