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HOME > News > Shaxi plans to invest 7.5 million yuan in ‘the elderly project’ next year
Shaxi plans to invest 7.5 million yuan in ‘the elderly project’ next year
Updated: 2017-12-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to Shaxi Civil Affairs Department, in 2018 the town plans to invest 7.5 million yuan in “The Elderly Health Project”, mainly in distributing food and oil to old people over 60 years old in the town. 

Reportedly, Shaxi has carried out "The Elderly Health Project" since 2013. People living in the town, aged 60 or above, can received free rice every month and additional cooking oil in the traditional festivals. The project benefits more than 10,000 people. From 2013 to 2017, the project cost about 5 million yuan per year.

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