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Zhongshan’s rehabilitation industry ‘expected to usher in explosive development’
Updated: 2017-12-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

After one year’s preparation and construction, Zhongshan Aidakang Rehabilitation Hospital officially opened in the middle of last month. It is a private hospital reconstructed in accordance with national secondary rehabilitation hospital standard. Former President of Zhongshan People's Hospital Professor Yu Yuanlong serves as the Chief Medical Officer. Aidakang Rehabilitation Hospital will be developed into Zhongshan’s first “medical treatment-elderly care-nursing” combined comprehensive medical service platform operated in O2O business model  

Reportedly, in recent year, rehabilitation therapy has become the most popular department of private hospitals in Zhongshan. By the end of last year, almost all the 20 more private hospitals in Zhongshan had established rehabilitation department. Some insiders suggest that Zhongshan can  strive to expand rehabilitation industry, which is expected to usher in explosive development.

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