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Identified training base can be subsidized with 1 million yuan
Updated: 2017-12-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

As The Implementing Measures for the Construction of High-skilled Personnel Training Base in Zhongshan came into effect on December 10, the training base identification for this year has started. According to Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, high-skilled personnel training institutions can apply for identification during December 12 to 25. Each identified training base can be subsidized one-time with 1 million yuan.

Reportedly, training ability, management ability, teaching staffs and school-enterprise cooperation level will be considered when a high-skilled personnel training base apply for the identification. Specific requirements for “training ability” include: “qualified training places for cultivating 300 high-skilled talents per year and national advanced equipment”, “3-5 characteristic specialties corresponding with Zhongshan’s leading, potential, emerging and modern service industries”, “the training scale of more than 1000 personnel per year (at least 60% of them have professional certificate)”, and “more than 30% of the trainees have senior training certificates”.

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