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The first batch of HPV vaccines arrives in Zhongshan
Updated: 2017-12-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to Zhongshan Disease Prevention and Control Center, the first batch of 1000 Cervarix Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccines have been distributed to 14 vaccination clinics in 10 towns of the city on December 26. HPV vaccination services will be available in the city's 43 vaccination clinics in the future.

According to Lyu Haiying, expert of Zhongshan Disease Prevention and Control Center, Cervarix HPV vaccine will be given in a 3-dose immunization program. It is suitable for women aged 9 to 25. Married women, women who have had children or had sex can be vaccinated HPV vaccines. The vaccination is most effective before sexual behavior. It takes 6 months to finish 3 doses of vaccine.

The unit price of the current HPV vaccine is 605 yuan and the total cost of the three injections is about 1800 yuan. In addition, Gardasil HPV vaccine that is suitable for women aged 20 to 45 will arrive in Zhongshan as early as the Spring Festival next year. 

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