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Zhongshan releases construction plannings on football fields and facilities
Updated: 2018-02-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan aims for developing into a “football strong city” in coming years, according to the “Zhongshan Medium- and Long-term (2017-2050) Development Planning for Football Fields” and the “Zhongshan Construction Planning on Football-related Facilities 2016-2020” publicized by Zhongshan Urban Planning Bureau recently.

There are more than 2,000 football-related activities held annually in Zhongshan, with up to 200,000 participants. Statistics show that Zhongshan has 268 football fields, including 65 standard football pitches. But these facilities can not meet people’s increasing demand of football playing.

According to the latest plannings, Zhongshan plans to develop 130 or more football characteristic schools and campuses by the end of 2025 with more than 100,000 students involved. Also by the end of 2025, the number of teenagers receiving systematic football training is planned to exceed 3,500.

The plannings in addition mention that by the end of 2020, Zhongshan will have more than 303 football fields, including at least 35 new ones. 

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