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‘Love Bell’ rescues 306 people a year
Updated: 2018-02-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

At 8:39pm on February 20, the 5th day of Chinese New Year, “Love Bell” Emergency Hotline received an emergency call from Uncle Huang who lives in Guiyuan Community in Shiqi District. The 80-year-old who had a high fever those days suddenly felt discomfort in his chest that night. He pressed the “Love Bell” installed at home and was sent to hospital in time for treatment.

Uncle Huang was not the only one being benefited from “Love Bell”. According to the operator of “Love Bell”, in 2017, the program had provided emergency rescue to 306 people in Shiqi District, West District, Fusha Town, and other 10 towns and districts. After treatment, 300 of them had left hospital. 

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