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Eleven folk art teams to make debut on Charity Parade this year
Updated: 2018-02-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Eleven folk art teams are invited to participate in designated performance of the Charity Parade this year, according to Zhongshan Cultural Center on February 24.

The eleven folk art teams include cloud dragon team, golden dragon team and two drunken dragon teams. Changzhou Drunken Dragon of West District and Beibao Drunken Dragon will perform at the intersection of Xiongzhong Avenue and Zhongshan Road and the intersection of Xiongzhong Avenue and Dongyu Road respectively. Liufang Cloud Dragon and Qiwan Golden Dragon, which are the most special dragons of Zhongshan intangible cultural heritage, will give finale performances. 

Hundreds of years-old folk physical activity “Xiaolan Hung Kuen”, which was included on “The 6th Recommended List of Zhongshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors in 2016”, will also make debut on the stage of Charity Parade this year. 

In addition, Shanwei Kylin Dance will be the only folk art team from outside Zhongshan. 

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