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Business of local cinemas booming in the first ten days of Chinese New Year
Updated: 2018-02-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan’s cinema business soared during the Spring Festival holiday. In the first six days, Zhongshan people spent 26.708 million yuan on movie, with a year-on-year increase of 74%. A total of 38.06 million yuan was spent on movie in the first ten days of the Chinese New Year (by February 25), up 80% from last year.

The cinemas were all packed with people on the first day of Chinese New Year. “All administrative staffs went to help.” Said Zhang Jun, the principal of Jinyi Cinemas. On the first day of Chinese New Year, about 197 thousand people entered cinemas and created 7.229 million yuan box office takings. The figure was only 4.31 million yuan on the same day last year. 

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