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West Ring Highway in Zhongshan to start construction in the second half
Updated: 2018-03-01    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

West Ring Highway has been through scientific research and has construction conditions. According to Deng Baihong, Deputy General Manager of Zhongshan West Outer Ring Expressway Co Ltd, the construction is expected to start in the second half of the year considering land requisition and demolishing progress.

West Ring Highway project is located in western Zhongshan and makes up of the main line of West Ring Highway, Xiaolan sub-line and the southern section of the second phase of Gushen Highway. The 71.718-km long highway, with six lanes in both directions, is designed for speeds up to 100 kph. West Ring Highway connects Xiaolan, Guzhen, Henglan, Dongsheng, West District, Dachong, Banfu, Shenwan and Tanzhou and will be completed in three years. 

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