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Home delivery of services to people in need
Updated: 2018-03-07    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

During the “Learning-from-Leifeng Service Month”, the West District Administrative Service Center will provide home delivery of services to people in need in enterprises.

According to the relevant responsible person of the West District Government Affairs Office, every day is the “Learning-from-Leifeng service day”. Reportedly, on March 15, staffs of West District Government Affairs Office will go to Hawley Chemical (Zhongshan) Co Ltd and Zhongshan Broad- Ocean Co Ltd to provide services related to point-based enrollment and public rental housing, point-based affairs for floating population, and etc to migrant workers. 

During the “Learning-from-Leifeng Service Month”, the Western District Administrative Service Center will also provide on-site service for special groups of people including the elderly and sick in 9 communities.

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