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Zhongshan plans to complete three-level legal service network this year
Updated: 2018-03-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

A provincial propaganda team led by Deputy Director of Guangdong Department of Justice Yu Jijun visits Zhongshan on March 5 to carry out preaching and training on promotion of development of three major platforms of Guangdong legal service website “”. According to Yu Jijun, currently the public legal service entity platform has covered the whole Guangdong province.

Zhao Xiaobing, Director of Zhongshan Justice Bureau, says that Zhongshan plans to start building of three major platforms of public legal service in addition to the “town-village” two-level service platform. By the end of this year, the “city-town-village” three-level legal service network is expected to be completed in accordance with the deployment of Guangdong Department of Justice. 

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