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Zhongshan advanced individuals and units receive provincial awards
Updated: 2018-03-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Recently, 13 Zhongshan advanced individuals and units received provincial awards before the International Women's Day. 

Wang Bing, chief engineer of TCB Bearing Manufacturing Co Ltd, was awarded Guangdong “March 8 Red-Banner Holder Model”. Xiao Xiaojuan, Chief of Laws and Regulations Section of Zhongshan Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce, and other 3 were awarded Guangdong “March 8 Red-Banner Holder”. Communitybased Health Care Center of Zhongshan Torch Development Zone and Juvenile Prosecutorial Work Office of Zhongshan Procuratorate were awarded Guangdong “March 8 Red-Banner Unit”. Other 6 units including Juridical Affairs Management Office of Zhongshan First People’s Court were awarded Guangdong “Woman’s Civilization Unit”.

Wang Bing was one of the ten Guangdong March 8 Red-Banner Holder Models. In the past 36 years, she had applied herself to special bearing design and high precision machining technology for overcoming difficulties in military and civil bearing technology. 

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