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Zhongshan’s minimum living security standard increased to 976 yuan
Updated: 2018-03-09    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

From this year on, Zhongshan raises the minimum living security standard from 896 yuan to 976 yuan, according to Zhongshan Civil Affairs Bureau.

Accordingly, the identification standard of low-income families is adjusted to the range of 977 yuan to 1,464 yuan. Besides, low-income aid targets including low-income families with two elderly people, members of families with major disease patients, juveniles of low-income families, members of single parent families and etc can receive monthly classified subsidies equivalent to 40% of the minimum living security (390 yuan) .

“The Notice of the Adjustment of Minimum Living security Standard” recently released by Zhongshan Civil Affairs Bureau and Zhongshan Finance Bureau mentions that the minimum relief fund will be issued in accordance with the new standard from this month on. The margin for the first two months will be reissued as well.

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