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7 Zhongshan-based listed companies achieve 15% revenue growth last year
Updated: 2018-03-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Seven municipal state-owned enterprises in Zhongshan had gone public on NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations) since 2016, owing to the “national asset securitization policies” of the city.

Statistics show that in 2017 these seven companies achieved 572mn yuan revenue, with 15.22% year-on-year growth, and 192mn yuan net profit, with 25.4% year-on-year growth. Their year-end total assets in 2017 increased 25.42% from a year earlier to 1.524bn yuan.

Following Zhongshan Xingzhong Energy Development Co Ltd who went listed on January 4, 2016, other six municipal state-owned enterprises including Pipeline and Information, Yifeng Food, Zhongshan Daily Media Group, Mingcheng Environmental Technology, Yueguan Traffic Technology and Shengping Media Group successively obtained listing permits of NEEQ.

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