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Over 50 enterprises in Nantou apply for capital increase
Updated: 2018-03-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

So far this year over 50 enterprises based in Nantou had applied for capital increase, according to Township Party Secretary Wu Kunke. The total increased capital amounted to 10bn yuan.

“We have been focusing on high-tech, high value-added and green projects to pursue high quality development.” Added Mr Wu. Nantou will pay attention to attract brand electrical appliances and electronic information technology enterprises this year.

An amount of 20mn yuan will be invested in the construction project of the 23.5 thousand sqm large Zhongshan Home Appliances Smart Manufacturing Innovation Center, which would accelerate optimization of public technological service. The center will be developed into the testing complex for townships in North-west part of Zhongshan and even for the whole South China.

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