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Government allowance for senior citizens ‘almost doubled’
Updated: 2018-03-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan municipal government plans to raise the allowance standard for elderly people over 80 years of age this year. 

According to the city’s civil affairs department, the program has been completed and the government allowance for senior citizens aged 80 and over has been raised from January of this year on.

The adjusted standard is as follows: for the elderly 80 to 89 years old, the monthly allowance is raised to 100 yuan/person from 30 yuan/person; for the elderly 90 to 99 years old, the allowance is raised to 200 yuan/person from 100 yuan/person; for people aged 100 or above, the allowance is raised to 500 yuan/person from 300 yuan/person. The allowance is averagely doubled. This year, the government is expected to spend more than 50 million yuan on this policy which will benefit more than 36,000 people. 

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