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New drug ‘Developed in Zhongshan’ kills tumour cells successfully
Updated: 2018-03-13    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Little Linhua, 11-year-old girl from Sichuan province, accepted the world’s first SUPER CAR treatment in recent days. The leukemia cells in her body disappeared thanks to the treatment.

On March 9, National Health Technology Park (NHTP) announced that the drug used in the treatment to kill tumour cells is developed by Guiqidan Bio-pharmaceutical (Zhongshan) Co Ltd, one of the companies in NHTP. Little Linhua was the first testee of the new SUPER CAR drug in the globe.

After the disease gets controlled, the 11-year-old girl wrote an appreciation letter to the medical team and Guiqidan company. Reportedly, the international patent holder of the technique used in developing the SUPER CAR drug is Professor Yupo Ma, president and founder of Guiqidan company which has settled in NHTP since August of 2017. The SUPER CAR drug is developed through the company’s CARVac technology for clinical study use.

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