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Chen Xudong: to build a more dynamic innovation and entrepreneurship ecology
Updated: 2018-03-19    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Municipal Party Secretary Chen Xudong presided a special meeting days before to listen to the progress of investment and project attraction and deploy the preparation of The 2018 Zhongshan Trade, Investment and Top Talent Fair.

At the special meeting, Chen Xudong underlined that investment attraction and talent introduction should be undertaken for advancement of high quality economy development system, establishment of modern economic system, and construction of a more dynamic innovation and entrepreneurship ecology.

Reportedly, The 2018 Zhongshan Trade, Investment and Top Talent Fair themes on New Era, innovation-oriented and “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area” and seeks high-end and cutting-edge projects for turning economy from "rapid growing" to "high quality development" pattern.

The “Bay Area Talent Highland Development” Summit Forum will be held year, during which the “Bay Area Talent Work Alliance” will be established and “Zhongshan Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Eco Park” will open.

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