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The 21st Guzhen Lighting Fair opens
Updated: 2018-03-20    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 21st Guzhen International Lighting Fair (GILF) curtained up at Guzhen, Zhongshan on Sunday morning.

At the opening ceremony, Shenzhen MTC Optronics Co Ltd (Shenzhen MTC) signed a contract with Guzhen township government proposing to move its headquarters into Guzhen and to build the “MTC Zhongshan Production Base”. The company plans to invest an amount of 600mn yuan on further development. Reportedly, Shenzhen MTC is under the rapid development stage. It is expected to grow up into a billion-level company and go public in future.

NVC Lighting also signed a contract with Guzhen township government to settle its global lighting innovation and design center down in Guzhen.

At the opening ceremony, the first 12 initiating enterprises of the “Lighting Original Alliance of China” were issued the awarding plates.

The 21st Guzhen Lighting Fair will conclude on March 21. The total exhibition area exceeds 1.5 million sqm. More than 2,000 enterprises participate in the fair, 766 of which will exhibit in the main venue. 

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