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Guzhen’s application quantity for patent exceeds 10,000
Updated: 2018-03-21    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Giorgio, a designer from Venice, Italy, was introducing the new product to the audiences on the stage of Guzhen Star Alliance on March 16, while Hou Yumei, Director of Zhongshan (Lighting) Intellectual Property Rapid Rights Protection Center, was watching under the stage. She said: “The reason they (the foreign designers) are willing to release new products in Guzhen is the favorable environment of intellectual property right protection here.”

In 2017, Guzhen’s application quantity for patent reaches 11,019, becoming the first town (district) in Zhongshan whose patent application quantity exceeds 10,000.

Since the Zhongshan (Lighting) Intellectual Property Rapid Rights Protection Center was founded in 2011, Guzhen has seen soaring growth in both application and acceptance quantity for patent. The quantity for patent granted in recent three years were 6,801 (pieces), 7,498 and 8,862 respectively. The unique protection mode for appearance design of industrial products developed in Guzhen has drawn widely attention from domestic and foreign areas. 

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