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Huangpu: 15 projects signed at the investment attraction conference
Updated: 2018-03-22    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 2018 Huangpu Investment Attraction Conference was held in Huangpu International Exhibition Center on March 20. A total of 15 projects were signed at the conference, with contract value of 5 billion yuan. The projects cover equipment manufacturing, modern logistics, smart appliances, and commercial complexes.

During the conference, more than 100 enterprises with outstanding achievements in economic construction, scientific and technological innovation, transformation and upgrading in 2017 were were honored and awarded.  

According to Huang Shunhuan, Township Party Secretary of Huangpu, from this year on the township government will spend 20 million yuan each year on supporting the development of enterprises in the coming 3 years. It aims to promote the high-quality economic development of Huangpu Town basing on transformation and upgrading, foreign trade, scientific and technological innovation, talent introduction, smart manufacturing, and quality and efficiency improvement. 

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