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Zhongshan passes the provincial reexamination of ‘National Sanitary City’
Updated: 2018-03-23    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The 10-man Guangdong review team visited Zhongshan on March 19 to 20 to reexamine the city’s consolidation work for defending the “National Sanitary City” title. During the review briefing held on March 21, Director of Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Health and Family Planning Lei Jinmin reported the working situation.

The review team believes that Zhongshan has met all basic requirements of the” The Standard of National Sanitary City (2014 edition)” and suggested the Guangdong Patriotic Health Campaign Committee to recommend Zhongshan city to national authorities for the “National Sanitary City” title. The review team also hopes Zhongshan can make continuing efforts and get ready for the secret investigation in the second half of this year. 

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