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Roads in central city to be renovated and upgraded
Updated: 2018-03-27    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Infrastructure construction and urban traffic network in central Zhongshan city will be strengthened this year. In accordance with “The Short-term Detailed Planning for Traffic Improvement in Central City”, roadways including Yuelai Road South, Dongyuan Road South and Fuhua Avenue will be renovated and upgraded for traffic capacity enhancement.

At present, an additional elevated crossing-street facility is under construction near the Zhongshan Bus Terminal on Fuhua Avenue. The facility, which is located at the east side of Fugang Road, also includes a crossing-street tunnel connecting the bus terminal, Buffalo Shopping Mall and Shaxi Bus Station. It can help resolve the crowd evacuation problem and lead to separation of pedestrian and vehicles.

The feasible schemes for the three roadways have been drafted, and the renovation and upgrade will be started by the end of the year, says an official from Zhongshan Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau. In order to lower the traffic impact on citizens, the construction will be completed by sections. 

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