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The first cooperative notary office in Zhongshan opens
Updated: 2018-03-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Xiangshan Notary Office, the first cooperative notary office in Zhongshan, officially opened at Yuechuang Center in South District on March 26.

As one of the six pilot notary institutions in Guangdong, Xiangshan Notary Office is of no state administrative establishment and fund investment. But it has the same statutory duties and force of business, in which case, can provide more diversified notarial services according to market demands.

Reportedly, Xiangshan Notary Office has introduced new working policies such as “strict time limit for notarization business” and “open on Saturdays”. In addition, Xiangshan Notary Office also provides extended services. For example, notary staffs are allowed to handle inquiry, ownership transferring, mortgage registration, tax check and etc according to the entrustment of the clients after the notarization. 

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