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Zhongshan tops Guangdong in anti-fraud work
Updated: 2018-03-28    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

According to The 4th Video Conference of Guangdong Province’s Inter-department Joint Conference on Combating New-type Telecommunication Crimes held in Guangzhou on Monday, Zhongshan ranked first in the provincial anti-fraud work assessment and achieved the “two increases, two decreases” assessment goal.

Reportedly, Zhongshan achieved good results in anti-fraud work last year. The number of fraud cases filed and total amount of losses decreased by 1.62% and 11.5% respectively, while the number of solved cases and the number of captured increased by 233.8% and 5.08% respectively. Total 967 relevant payment accounts, involving 3.24 million yuan money, had been suspended. 

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