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Online car-hailing company fined 5,000 yuan in Zhongshan
Updated: 2018-03-29    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Recently, The Comprehensive Administrative Enforcement Department of Zhongshan Transportation Bureau has issued a “Notice of Illegal Practice” to Didi Chuxing Technology Co Ltd and made a fine of 5,000 yuan. This is the first time online car-hailing company being fined in Zhongshan since The Provisional Enforcement Regulation on Management of Online Car-hailing Services came into effect on May 4, 2017.

So far, a total of 7 online car-hailing companies, including Car Inc, Shouqi, Yidao Yongche, Call Me, BMKP, AA Car and Wscar Ecar, have obtained online car-hailing business license in Zhongshan. 

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