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Germany-China Health Organization Zhongshan Office founded
Updated: 2018-03-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

The inauguration ceremony of Germany-China Health Organization Zhongshan Office was held in National Health Technology Park in Torch Zone Wednesday afternoon.

Germany-China Health Organization, which is initiated by Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany and Chinese National Development and Reform Commission, is a high-level international organization with abundant German enterprise resources, technological resources, information resources as well as certainty and experience in worldwide medical market. It is of high integrating degree with development of bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry of Zhongshan city.

In recent years, bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry covering over 300 bio-pharmaceutical, medical device, healthy foods and health-caring service enterprises has become the key industry of Zhongshan city. The annual output value of the industry reached 80bn yuan last year. 

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