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Zhongshan to jointly build an industry park with Israeli party
Updated: 2018-03-30    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Intelligent Manufacturing and International Industrial Cooperation Conference, which is one of the activities of The 2018 Zhongshan Trade, Investment and Top Talent Fair, was held in East District on the afternoon of March 28. Representatives of more than 50 local and Israeli and European and American enterprises participated in the conference.

In the conference, the “Intelligence and Sharing (Zhongshan) Industrial Park” was inaugurated, which signified the substantial progress of the innovative industry park schemed by Zhongshan and Israeli parties.

Eran Wolf, CEO of Israeli Bebear Company, stated that Zhongshan has a good business environment. Many enterprises from Israel have interest in doing business in Zhongshan. He hoped technologies from Israel could be promoted nationwide through the industry park to-be-built.

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