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The Southern Group Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Roadshow held in Tanzhou
Updated: 2018-04-02    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

“Many Chinese people like playing football, although with disappointing performance. We hope to cooperate with Argentinian Football Association (AFA) to introduce Argentine-style football training into Zhongshan for juveniles.”

Last Sunday morning, the conference room of Tanzhou Township Human Resources and Social Security Bureau was filled up. People watched and listened to Iman Sarwari, French football coach, introducing his “AFA Football Training Project”.

The Southern Group Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Roadshow cum The 4th Tanzhou “Tan'nan Cup” Entrepreneurship Preliminary Contest was held in Tan’s Park and Tanzhou Township Human Resources and Social Security Bureau last weekend. Reportedly, the contest containing “startup enterprise group”, “university student group” and “overseas project group” has attracted more than 100 participators of 72 teams competing for the 620,000 yuan bonus.

After two days’ competition, the leading two teams of “overseas project group”, leading three of “university student group” and leading five of “startup enterprise group” entered the final contest. 

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