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Zhongshan becomes the pilot city of 4K TV network application
Updated: 2018-04-03    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

During The China Ultra High Definition (4K) Industry Development Conference held in Guangzhou on March 29, Zhongshan was awarded the title of “Pilot City of 4K TV Network Application”.

According to responsible person of Zhongshan Economic and Information Bureau, Zhongshan will strive to build the “UHD Interactive Digital Home Network” based on 4K TVs in 3-5 years. Additionally, Zhongshan will also open local 4K UHD TV channels, develop 8 demonstration villages and 8 demonstration communities, propose 50 4K-video halls, and build the 4K-video making center.

According to the plan, the city's cable network will basically reach the standard of 4K UHD TV program transmission by the end of 2020. 

Reportedly, Zhuhai, Shantou and Zhongshan were the only 3 cities in Guangdong selected as pilot cities of 4K TV network application this time.

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