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Zhongshan medical experts provide gratuitous treatment in Zhaotong
Updated: 2018-04-04    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

In order to solve local people’s medical treatment problem, an 8-man expert team organized by Zhongshan People’s Hospital went to Yanjin County in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province days before to carry out research and provide free lectures and gratuitous treatment in terms of orthopedics, respiratory, endocrine, surgical and pediatric diseases. A total of 281 people received free medical service on that day.

Yanjin is a national-level poverty-stricken county located in the northeast part of Zhaotong City. In 2016, Zhognshan established a support relationship with Zhaotong City. In 2017, Zhongshan People’s Hospital sent medical team to Yanjin People’s Hospital to provide assistance.

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