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Vegetable prices come down in March
Updated: 2018-04-08    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

As the weather gets warmer, vegetable prices generally came down in March. The prices of most vegetables averagely decreased 10-20%.

The monitoring data from Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau shows that most of the prices of 30 kinds of vegetable fell dramatically. For example, the average price of lettuce decreased 17.98% from 3.67 yuan /500 grams to 3.01 yuan /500 grams. The average price of spinach reduced 18.20% from 4.65 yuan /500 grams to 3.73 yuan /500 grams. The prices of local flowering cabbage, broccoli, watercress and cucumbers respectively dropped by more than 10%.

According to Zhongshan Development and Reform Bureau, more vegetables will be supplied to the market as the summer approaches, in which case the vegetable prices are expected to keep dropping. 

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