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Zhongshan plans to open three bus lines to Zhuhai
Updated: 2018-04-10    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan takes the first step in transformation of “passenger transport to public transport”. According to Zhongshan Bureau of Transport, the application for the public transport transformation of 3 bus lines from Zhongshan to Zhuhai submitted by 4 companies including Zhongshan Urban Transportation Co Ltd has been approved and publicized currently. 

The first line is from Tanzhou Jindou Bay Bus Station, Zhongshan to Gongbei Tongda Bus Station, Zhuhai, with 11 stops along the route. The second line is between Zhongshan Bus Terminal to Gongbei Tongda Bus Station, with 25 stops along the route. The third line is from Nanlang Bus Station of Zhongshan to Gongbei Tongda Bus Station, with 13 stops along the routes.

Reportedly, the “Zhongshan to Zhuhai” bus line from Tanzhou Jindou Bay Bus Station, which is operated by Zhongshan Urban Transportation Co Ltd, is about 20 kilometers long, with the ticket price of 8 yuan. Passengers will be charged no more than 8 yuan section fare after the transformation. 

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