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Zhongshan ‘in shortage of common workers and technicians’
Updated: 2018-04-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Zhongshan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau releases the Q1 monitoring report on “supply and demand of human resources market” and “employment of enterprises” of Zhongshan city on April 10. According to the report, the labor demand for Q1 reaches 193,600 person-time, and the labor supply (total number of job seekers) is 102,500 person-time, making the overall job vacancies-to-seekers ratio 1.89. There is still a shortage of common workers and technicians, with the job vacancies-to-seekers ratio reaching 3.71 and 5.04 respectively.

Owing to shortage, the pay of common workers and technicians both rise. The average monthly salary of common laborers in manufacturing industry reaches 3,200 yuan, an increase of 15.11% year-on-year. 

“Operator of production and transportation equipment” and “common worker” top the Occupations in Demand List of Q1. Manufacturing industry is in demand of 89,847 workers, accounting for 46.4% of the total demand.

Zhang Zhengchang, human resource director of Guangdong Sensun Group, says that at present Zhongshan still has many “labor-intensive” manufacturing industries. At least for the next five years, Zhongshan-based enterprises still need a large number of general workers, even though technical reform has been launched for years.

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