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HOME > News > Approval of housing provident fund loan ‘need to be completed in 5 working days’
Approval of housing provident fund loan ‘need to be completed in 5 working days’
Updated: 2018-04-12    Source: Zhongshan Daily Large Medium Small Print

Five parties including Zhongshan Housing Provident Fund Management Center, Zhongshan Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, Zhongshan Bureau of Finance, The People’s Bank of China Zhongshan Central Sub-branch and Zhongshan Land and Resources Bureau jointly announced the “The Notice on Rights Protection of Employees’ Home Loans of Housing Provident Fund” recently.

According to the notice, explained a staff of Zhongshan Housing Provident Fund Management Center, the management center and trustee banks should keep simplifying the process and complete the approval in 5 working days. Trustee organizations should be informed once the loan granted or given explanations on the unapproved loan.

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